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Vincelli Orthodontics Calgary & Canmore

Orthodontics & Invisalign Resources

10 Dental Hygiene Tips for Healthy Teeth & Gums

At Vincelli Orthodontics, we know that healthy teeth and gums have a significant impact on your overall health and wellbeing. Here, our orthodontists at our Canmore location in Calgary & Canmore share their top 10 dental hygiene tips for keeping your smile healthy.

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What do Invisalign Clear Aligners Cost?

Cost is usually a main factor in the decision when it comes to choosing Invisalign orthodontic treatment. In this post, our orthodontists at our Southwest Calgary & Canmore location discuss the financial factors you may want to consider in the decision-making process when choosing Invisalign clear aligners. 

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5 Ways Invisalign Can Change Your Smile

If you are looking to alter your smile then orthodontic treatment may be right for you. Our orthodontists at our location in the Market Mall Professional Building in Calgary & Canmore describe what you can expect with Invisalign clear aligner treatment.

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Components of an Effective Oral Hygiene Routine

An effective oral hygiene routine is more than just regular brushing and flossing. Our orthodontists at our Canmore location in Calgary & Canmore review all the steps you should take with your oral hygiene routine to keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean.

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New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients in Calgary & Canmore. Contact us and take the first step in achieving a healthy bite.

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