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Vincelli Orthodontics Calgary & Canmore

How long will my orthodontic treatment with braces take?

If you are considering straightening your teeth, you may wonder what to expect. Here, our Calgary & Canmore orthodontists discuss how long orthodontic treatment with braces can take and the factors that impact the duration.

How long will I have to wear braces?

On average, orthodontic treatment with braces takes around two years. However, this depends on the severity of your misalignment. In some cases, treatment may take as little as one year, while in others, it may take longer than two years.

The duration of your treatment plan will depend on your specific circumstances and requirements. Your orthodontist can assess your orthodontic condition and develop a custom treatment plan to meet your needs. 

Before we discuss how long you'll need to wear braces, let's review why people tend to get braces in the first place. 

Why People Get Braces

Many orthodontic problems, including tooth alignment and bite issues, can negatively affect your dental and overall health. Depending on the results of your orthodontic assessment, your orthodontist may recommend braces to resolve these problems. Here are some specific facts about these conditions and how they can affect your dental health.

Tooth Alignment

One of the most common reasons you may need braces is because your teeth are crowded, stick out, or have gaps. Without treatment, these issues can lead to cavities, gum disease, and enamel erosion.

The length of time you'll wear braces to treat these conditions will vary based on the severity of these dental issues. In some cases, you may need additional treatments, like tooth extraction, to address misalignment.

Bite Issues

Your bite is how your top and bottom teeth line up when you close your mouth. If your bite does not line up, it may be considered one of these types of bite issues:

  • Open bite: The upper and lower teeth slant outward, preventing them from touching when the mouth is closed.
  • Deep bite: A deep bite is when your upper front teeth come down too far over your bottom front teeth when you close your jaw.
  • Underbite: An underbite is a dental condition where your lower teeth extend farther than your upper teeth.
  • Crossbite: A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit behind your lower teeth and when your mouth is closed or at rest.

Braces can help align your bite and reduce your risk of oral health issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and abnormal wear and tear on your teeth (which can lead to chipped, cracked, or broken teeth). 

Factors That Impact the Duration of Your Orthodontic Treatment

Here are some of the most common factors that impact how long you will need to wear braces:

The Severity of Your Orthodontic Issue

The amount of time you'll need to wear braces depends on the severity of your case. If you have minor spacing issues affecting your teeth, treatment will likely take less time than it would if you have severely crowded teeth, as we'll need to create space in the mouth for teeth if they are too crowded, then shift the teeth into their proper places. At your complimentary consultation, a treatment plan will be developed specific to your needs.

How You Care For Your Teeth & Braces During Treatment 

How you care for your teeth and braces can impact the duration of your treatment. Following a daily oral hygiene routine and taking precautions to prevent damage to your braces can help treatment go as quickly as possible. Here are some diet and lifestyle tips to ensure that you take the best possible care of your braces:


You will need to follow your orthodontist's instructions on what you can and can't eat during orthodontic treatment.

Eating sticky, hard, or crunchy foods can cause damage to your braces, potentially prolonging your treatment. These foods include hard candy, gum, and popcorn.

If you happen to break any part of your braces, you will need to schedule an appointment right away to have them repaired.


There are some steps you can take to help ensure that your treatment plan stays right on track, such as:

  • Visiting your orthodontist for regular checkups and adjustments.
  • Following all instructions for your orthodontic appliances and other tools.
  • Ensuring that you continue to visit the dentist every six months for a dental exam and cleaning.

You may also want to invest in a mouth guard to protect your teeth and braces if you play sports. 

What You Should & Should Not Do During Treatment With Braces

Here are some of the do's and don'ts during orthodontic treatment with braces. Follow the do's to help make sure your orthodontic treatment progresses as scheduled and avoid complications. Avoid the actions under the don'ts to prevent unnecessary pain and complications, which can extend the duration of your treatment time.


  • Brush your teeth twice a day (ideally after eating).
  • Floss once a day.
  • Rinse your teeth with water or a specialty rinse to remove food debris.
  • See your orthodontist for regular adjustments.
  • Visit your dentist for routine cleanings and examinations.
  • Follow instructions for all of the appliances and tools you are using.
  • Contact your orthodontist immediately if your braces or any components break.


  • Eat sugary, sticky, crunchy, or hard foods.
  • Drink sugary or carbonated beverages, as these can cause bacteria to form on your teeth, which can lead to cavities.
  • Try to fix broken braces yourself.

What are the benefits of braces?

Braces are beneficial for many reasons, including:

  • Aligning your teeth and bite to achieve a straight and healthy-looking smile.
  • Helping you chew, swallow, and speak properly.
  • Making your teeth easier to brush because they will be better aligned. This can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and jaw alignment conditions like TMJ disorder.
  • Improving your self-esteem with an aesthetically pleasing smile.

When should I speak with the orthodontist?

Be sure to keep in touch with your orthodontist throughout treatment. Contact them if any unexpected issues arise or you experience pain, discomfort, or trouble with your braces, such as loose wires or brackets.

You can expect some discomfort right after your braces are put on or tightened. However, you should report severe pain that persists beyond a few hours.

Are you looking to achieve a straighter smile with orthodontic treatment? Contact our team at Vincelli Orthodontics today to request an appointment.

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We are accepting new patients in Calgary & Canmore. Contact us and take the first step in achieving a healthy bite.

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