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Vincelli Orthodontics Calgary & Canmore

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Evaluations: Why Age 7 is a Critical Milestone

With early orthodontic treatment, we can manage dental issues before they become more serious. Here, our orthodontists in Calgary & Canmore discuss early orthodontics for children and the issues that can be addressed with evaluations.

The Importance of Early Orthodontic Evaluations For Children

Orthodontic issues and treatment may seem like a rite of passage in today's world. However, many don’t realize that early assessment by an orthodontist can greatly benefit a child’s health, well-being, and future dental development.

By intervening and addressing problems before they become more serious, we can achieve more predictable oral health outcomes and simplified treatments down the road.

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists (CAO) recommends that children have their initial orthodontic assessment by age seven. While this may seem early, most children have a mix of baby and adult teeth by this time, allowing orthodontists to accurately diagnose and treat misalignments or structural issues before they fully develop.

What issues can be identified and addressed with early orthodontics?

Early orthodontic evaluations can detect a variety of common oral health issues, including:

  • Crowding of teeth: A lack of space in the jaw means the permanent adult teeth may not have room to erupt properly.
  • Misalignment and bite issues: These problems can include an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite.
  • Jaw growth and development: Early detection of growth issues can allow for treatments that guide the development of the jaw.
  • Habits affecting dental health: This includes thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing, which can impact the development of teeth and jaws.

What are the benefits of addressing these issues?

There are several potential benefits of early orthodontics for children, including:

Guiding Jaw Growth

During your child's early orthodontic evaluation, the orthodontist will monitor the development of their jaw. This early assessment allows their orthodontist to identify and address any issues related to your child's jaw growth.

Proper jaw alignment is necessary to allow adequate space for the permanent teeth, aid in achieving a correct bite (which is important for chewing and speech) and contribute to overall facial symmetry. Addressing these issues while your child is young can either prevent the need for further treatments or potentially reduce the need for more invasive procedures. This can help pave the way for better oral health throughout their life.

Correcting Bad Habits

Many orthodontic issues can stem from bad habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of a bottle, and tongue thrusting. The pressure and sucking motion from these habits may cause the front teeth to push outward. This can result in an open bite, preventing the upper and lower teeth from meeting when your child’s mouth is closed. In some cases, it may also alter the shape of the hard palate (roof of the mouth).

An early orthodontic assessment can identify these habits and allow the orthodontist to create a treatment plan to correct them. This prevents potential misalignment of teeth or jaw deformities as your child grows.

Improving Speech & Eating

If your child has misaligned teeth or jaw problems, it may affect their ability to speak clearly and chew properly. These issues may also make it difficult for them to articulate sounds like 't,' 'd,' 's,' and 'z.' This can result in issues like lisping, especially with open bites or gaps between teeth, as incorrect airflow can impact the production of sounds.

Misalignment can also affect their ability to chew properly, causing them to avoid eating hard or chewy foods. This can limit their diet and, by extension, their nutritional intake. The change to their overall nutrition can negatively affect their health, growth, and development. Early orthodontic treatment can address these issues, leading to improved oral function and quality of life.

How can early orthodontic treatment for children lead to better outcomes?

Early orthodontics, including braces for children, can set the stage for healthier development and fewer complications later in life. It can facilitate the proper growth of the jaw bones and tooth alignment and minimize the need for more extensive treatments in the future. This can help your child achieve a straight and healthy smile, for life.

The long-term benefits of early orthodontic evaluations are incomparable. Prioritize your child’s orthodontic health and schedule their first visit by age seven. At Vincelli Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality care and ensuring your child achieves a healthy, beautiful smile.

Are your child's permanent adult teeth making an appearance? It may be time for an early orthodontic evaluation. Contact our orthodontists at Vincelli Orthodontics today to request an appointment.

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