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Vincelli Orthodontics Calgary & Canmore

7 Things to Know Before Getting Invisalign

Are you looking to straighten your teeth or adjust the spacing between them? Invisalign may be right for you. Here, our Calgary & Canmore orthodontists offer some insight into what you should know before you begin treatment with Invisalign clear aligners.

Starting Invisalign Treatment? Here's What You Should Know

Here are some things you may want to know about what to expect when straightening your teeth with Invisalign.

1. Only take out your aligners for eating and oral hygiene.

We recommend wearing your clear aligners for at least 22 hours each day for the best possible outcome. If this doesn't suit your lifestyle, traditional braces may be a better option.

2. The length of treatment varies for each person.

When beginning treatment with Invisalign, you will likely wonder how long it lasts. This will depend on the severity of your orthodontic issue and the desired outcome.

3. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth well.

It is important to brush and floss your teeth well after eating. This is because clear aligners will trap any food particles against your teeth. If these particles aren’t brushed away, they can mix with bacteria in your mouth and cause cavities. 

4. Don't forget to clean your aligners.

Just like brushing your teeth is crucial to avoiding cavities, cleaning your aligners is equally important. Your aligners can stain easily, so you should remove them when drinking anything other than water.

5. Invisalign is suitable for any age.

Have you considered Invisalign but thought they wouldn't work for someone your age? You may be happy to know that they are ideal for patients of many different ages. 

6. Not everyone should use Invisalign.

Invisalign works best for those looking for minor and simple adjustments in tooth alignment. If you have a complex orthodontic issue, your orthodontist may recommend alternative treatment options.

7. You'll need to use a retainer after completing treatment.

After the Invisalign clear aligners have done their part, it will be on you to maintain your new smile. Your orthodontist will fit you for a custom retainer that you’ll need to wear at night so your newly repositioned teeth won’t shift back to their original spots.

Would you like to learn more about treatment with Invisalign clear aligners? Contact our Calgary & Canmore orthodontists today to request an appointment.

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