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Vincelli Orthodontics Calgary & Canmore

Composite Dental Fillings: What are they and when are they used?

While fillings are a commonly used dental treatment you may not know that there are actually different types of fillings that may be used. Here, our Calgary & Canmore orthodontists share some information about composite dental fillings and when they might be used.

Restorative Dental Care: What are composite fillings?

If you have a cavity or lose a piece of your tooth you will require dental treatment to fill in the space and protect your tooth from further damage.

Traditionally, fillings were a silver-coloured material, known as amalgam, that was quite visible in contrast to the shade of a natural tooth. As time went on, more options for dental fillings were created including the composite fillings that we are talking about today.

Composite fillings are a tooth-coloured mix of plastic and ceramic, making them ideal for those who did not want to see the filling when they were smiling or talking.

When might composite dental fillings be recommended?

Composite fillings are able to blend in with your natural teeth which makes them a popular choice for anyone needing a filling.

While they are a popular choice, they are not typically recommended for the molar as those are high friction/pressure areas.

Some dental plans won't cover the cost of composite fillings in these areas due to their reduced strength in comparison to amalgam. Your dentist will be able to help you choose the option that works best for you.

What are some of the reasons you might want to choose composite fillings?

  • Composite fillings blend with your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible. 
  • The material is slightly flexible resulting in reduced drilling, and preserving more of your natural tooth.
  • The resin material in composite fillings creates a strong bond with your tooth.
  • They are durable and can withstand moderate pressure and usage.
  • They are well-suited to small fillings and repairs.
  • Composite can also be used to handle other cosmetic alterations, such as changing the colour or shape of your teeth.

Do composite dental fillings last for a long time?

while they can be a strong choice for dental fillings, composite fillings may not last as long as some of the other options that are available. They tend to last about 7 years. You might get 10 years out of a composite filling if the fillings are well taken care of through proper oral hygiene habits.

Are there any health concerns with composite fillings?

Many dentists agree that composite fillings cause no harm at this time to the health of patients that use them. Both composite filling and sealants are made of resin material, containing BPA which releases for some time in the mouth after filling replacement.

However, the dental community pointed out some significant facts. According to them, studies have failed to underline any conclusive results regarding the use of BPA in resins as a harmful component. In addition to that, they believe that composite resins use a negligible amount of Bis-GMA, which is not detrimental to the patients. They concluded health concerns regarding composite resins are baseless that and do not have substantial evidence to prove BPA is a threat to human health.

If you have gaps in your teeth that may require more extensive treatment, contact our Calgary & Canmore orthodontists today to learn about your options for orthodontic treatment.

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